Gmail on Android Phones and Tablets

Step 1

Start GMail. If you already have an account set up, click the icon in the top right corner to open the panel to see accounts. Click "Add another account". If you are setting up GMail for the first time, you can skip to the next part.

Gmail Step 1

On the "Set up email" page, click "Other":

Gmail Step 2

Step 2

Enter the email address for the account you're setting up:

Gmail Step 3

Click Next. Enter the password you gave for setting up the email account. If you can't remember it you can ask the person who created your email accounts

Gmail Step 4

Click Next and enter the server name, which is:

Gmail Step 5

Click Next and enter the SMTP Server name which is:

Gmail Step 6

Click Next.

Step 3

These settings are optional and can be set as you wish, or just left as the defaults. Click Next.

Gmail Step 8

Finally, optionally enter a name to be used on mails your sending and click Next:

Gmail Step 9

GMail is now set up and ready to use.

SAFEnSOUNDmail is a product of DSC © 2009-2024